arthritis novena to st alphonsus

Arthritis Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori

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If you suffer from arthritis, we have a wonderful arthritis novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori, that you can pray in addition to any other remedies.

St. Alphonsus Liguori is well known to Catholics as a great theologian, founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorists), and a Doctor of the Church, but did you know he is also the patron saint of Arthritis?

Why St. Alphonsus is the Patron Saint of Arthritis

In addition to his illustrious titles, St Alphonsus is also the Patron Saint of arthritis & aging.

You see, St Alphonsus experienced really painful arthritis all his life. This is why he is often portrayed with his chin touching his neck.

Soon after becoming Bishop at the age of 66, his arthritis of the hips and pelvis became progressively worse and he developed curvature of the spine.

“When the doctor came to him, he noticed an unpleasant odour. Alphonsus’ chin and beard had eaten into his chest, and the raw, gaping wound was infected. He had a high fever and the infection spread through his whole system. The slightest movement caused him agony, like the suffering of Job.”

Alphonsus: patron of arthritis

His Arthritis was so Bad, He Prepared Himself for Death

St Alphonsus resigned himself to his arthritis, while preparing himself for death.

But death, didn’t come.

He lived a lot longer and suffered to the point of offering Mass being excruciatingly painful.

He eventually died in peace and with a calm mind.

Will This Arthritis Novena to St. Alphonsus Work?

Either St Augustine or St Ignatius of Loyola said, “Pray as if it all depended on God; act as if it all depended on you”.

So we can, and should, use remedies for arthritis, like turmeric.

However, arthritis is a difficult disease to treat and one should use all weapons in one’s arsenal.

Because St Alphonsus Liguori knew what it was like to suffer from unbearable arthritis, those who suffer from arthritis have recourse to him.

Pray this arthritis novena to St. Alphonsus and let us know your results!

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The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition.

Arthritis Novena to Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Glorious Saint Alphonsus, loving father of the poor and sick, all your life you devoted yourself with a charity really heroic to lightening their spiritual and bodily miseries. Full of confidence in your tender pity for the sick, since you yourself have patiently borne the cross of illness, I come to you for help in my present need.

Mention your request

Loving father of the suffering, Saint Alphonsus, whom I invoke as the Arthritis Saint, since you suffered from this disease in your lifetime, look with compassion upon me in my suffering. Beg god to give me good health. If it is not God’s will to cure me, then give me strength to bear my cross patiently and to offer my sufferings in union with my crucified Savior and his Mother of Sorrows, for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, in reparation for my sins and those of others, for the needs of this troubled world, and for the souls in purgatory.

Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.

Saint Alphonsus, patron of the sick, pray for me. Amen.

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Arthritis Resources

Check with your doctor, first.

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  1. This St. Alphonsus Prayer is very good and what I need, but why is God spelled god where you say beg god..should it not always be God and never god..that was such a big disappointment to me….

    1. Why would you be disappointed? If you visit a Catholic site, where “God” is uncapitalized only in one area, wouldn’t the more likely explanation be that it’s a typo? Always assume the best of your brothers/sisters.

      Can you let me know where it’s not capitalized and I’ll fix it? It’s hard to proofread one’s own work. Thanks.

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