salutations to mary
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Recite the Salutations to Mary for the Conversion of Sinners

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The Salutations to Mary were written by St John Eudes (1601-1680) and this version was promoted by Fr Paul of Moll (1824-1896). He asked that we recite these salutations for the conversion of sinners.

Fr Moll was convinced that those who recite these prayers for the conversion of sinners may rely on our Blessed Mother’s powerful protection and blessing.

Often times we get discouraged when our friends and family members refuse to even consider the Catholic faith. Be not discouraged. The prayer below is a powerful prayer for conversion.

This prayer is found in this wonderful prayer book called Catholic Prayers: Compiled from Traditional Sources.

The Salutations of Mary

Hail Mary! Daughter of God the Father,
Hail Mary! Mother of God the Son,
Hail Mary! Spouse of God the Holy Ghost,
Hail Mary! Temple of the Most Blessed Trinity,
Hail Mary! Celestial Rose of the ineffable love of God.
Hail Mary! Virgin pure and humble, of whom the King of Heaven willed to be born and with thy milk to be nourished.
Hail Mary! Virgin of virgins,
Hail Mary! Queen of Martyrs, whose soul a sword transfixed,
Hail Mary! L ady most Blessed! unto whom all power in Heaven and earth is given,
Hail Mary! my Queen and my Mother! my Life, my Sweetness, and my Hope,
Hail Mary! Mother most Amiable,
Hail Mary! Mother most Admirable,
Hail Mary! Mother of Divine Love,
Hail Mary! IMMACULATE; Conceived without sin!
Hail Mary! Full of Grace! the Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women! And blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, JESUS!

Blessed be thy Spouse, St. Joseph,
Blessed be thy Father, St. Joachim,
Blessed be thy Mother, St. Anne,
Blessed be thy Guardian, St. John,
Blessed be thy Holy Angel, St. Gabriel, Glory be to God the Father, who chose thee,

Glory be to God the Son, who loved thee,
Glory be to God the Holy Ghost, who espoused thee, Glorious Virgin Mary, may all men love and praise thee,
Holy Mary, Mother of God! pray for us and bless us, now and at death in the Name of JESUS, thy Divine Son!


Manual for Marian Devotion

Love Mary? Check out these resources.

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  1. Can anyone tellme what book I can find the Salutations of Our Blessed Lady in please?

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