act of reparation to the blessed sacrament

Act of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament

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We should make an act of reparation to the Blessed Sacrament. It’s a very Catholic practice to make reparation for the wrongs of others.

There are no words to describe the Blessed Sacrament, although many Saints have tried.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen said:

“As a man must be born before he can begin to lead his physical life, so he must be born to lead a Divine Life. That birth occurs in the Sacrament of Baptism. To survive, he must be nourished by Divine Life; that is done in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.”

– Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Pope Benedict XVI said:

“You must propagate veneration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with all your might, for the devotion to the Holy Eucharist is the queen of all devotions.”

~Pope Benedict XVI

Every day the holy name of our Lord is blasphemed. Insults are hurled at our Lord. Churches and Catholic Statues are vandalized.

This is why we make an Act of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament.

Unfortunately, many of us are currently unable to even do a holy hour. Some parishes are closed due to the dictates of tyrannical government. However, some of us do have access to the Blessed Sacrament.

Surely it is an act of charity to pray an extra act of reparation to make up for those who cannot? We have so much reparation to do for all the acts, insults and aggression toward our Lord and his Church.

So, if you can make an act of reparation to the Blessed Sacrament, please do.

Act of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament

Manual for Eucharistic Adoration

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“An indulgence of 200 days to every one who, with contrition for his sins and with devotion, says the following Act of Reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, which it is the practice of the religious of this order to say each in her turn in the hour of her adoration.” Source: The Raccolta

Jesus, my God, my Saviour, true God and true Man, with that most profound homage with which the faith itself inspires me, I adore and love Thee with my whole heart, enclosed in the most august Sacrament of the Altar, in reparation for all the acts of irreverence, profanation, and sacrilege, which I may ever have been so unhappy as to have committed, as well as for all such like acts that ever have been done, or which may be done, though God forbid they should be, in ages yet to come.

I adore Thee, therefore, my God, not indeed as Thou deservest, nor as much as I am bound to adore, but as far as I am able; and I would that I could adore Thee with all the perfection of which all reasonable persons are capable.

Meantime I purpose now and ever to adore Thee, not only for those Catholics who adore Thee not, and love Thee not, but also in the stead of, and for the conversion of all heretics, schismatics, impious atheists, blasphemers, impostors, Mahometans, Jews, and idolaters.

Jesus, my God, mayest Thou be ever known, adored, loved, and praised every moment, in the most holy and divine Sacrament. Amen.

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    1. Given our current circumstances, I firmly believe G-D will make allowances. As He was willing to do if only the were but 10 righteous. He is most Merciful to repentant sinners

    1. God bless you Monica. I aspire to be as devout as you are. The Holy Lord must be very pleased with you! I’m praying at Adoration now and came across your prayer.

  1. Father Seraphim Michalenko, the Vice – Postulator for the cause of the canonization of St. Faustina and one of the world’s leading authorities on Divine Mercy, once answered a question for me that may help you. I’d just read several.articles about those who’d seen the presence of Jesus in the Divine Mercy Image. One such person was Hugo Festa who received a miracle as he prayed before the Image watching it come to life. I, too, have witnessed the rays actually emanate from the Image in real time as they also penetrated my body resulting in my healing. I personally believe Jesus makes his presence known to us in this powerful Catholic Icon. So, having talked to the late Fr. Seraphim in 2019, as I had several times in the past, I asked him his opinion:

    “Father, do you believe Jesus is truly present in the Image of Divine Mercy?”

    Here was his response:

    “Victor, if not him, then who?”

    If you do t have the opportunity to pray before the Blessed Sacramemt, do so before the Image where Jesus is present. After all, St. Faustian recorded in her diary the.words of Jesus who said:

    “Many graces are granted through this Image when you venerate it with trust.”

    1. I’m in adoration now and will as the Dear Lord to accept my prayer for forgiveness of my many, many sins. Thank you

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