election prayers

3 Election Prayers for U.S. Elections

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election prayers

In these days of cultural upheaval, secularism, and aversion to Christianity, who we elect to be our government officials is vital.  This is why these election prayers are so important.

This election should not just be seen as politics. There is war being waged in the spiritual realm.

So, if you believe in prayer, time some time to pray these election prayers.

Please take some time to pray these election prayers.


Lord Jesus Christ, You told us to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. Enlighten the minds of our people [in] America. May we choose a President of the United States, and other government officials, according to Your Divine Will. Give our citizens the courage to choose leaders of our nation who respect the sanctity of unborn human life, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of marital relations, the sanctity of the family, and the sanctity of the aging. Grant us the wisdom to give You, what belongs to You, our God. If we do this, as a nation, we are confident You will give us an abundance of Your blessings through our elected leaders. Amen.


A Prayer for our National Elections

O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord, Not only of individuals, but of nations and governments.

We thank You for the privilege Of being able to organize ourselves politically And of knowing that political loyalty Does not have to mean disloyalty to You.

We thank You for Your law, Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged And recognized as higher than any human law.

We thank You for the opportunity that this election year puts before us, To exercise our solemn duty not only to vote, But to influence countless others to vote, And to vote correctly.

Lord, we pray that Your people may be awakened. Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation, Their response to You requires that they be politically active.

Awaken Your people to know that they are not called to be a sect fleeing the world But rather a community of faith renewing the world.

Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to You in prayer Are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth; That the same eyes that read Your Word Are the eyes that read the names on the ballot, And that they do not cease to be Christians When they enter the voting booth.

Awaken Your people to a commitment to justice, To the sanctity of marriage and the family, To the dignity of each individual human life, And to the truth that human rights begin when Human Lives Begin, And not one moment later.

Lord, we rejoice today That we are citizens of Your kingdom.

May that make us all the more committed To being faithful citizens on earth.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

~Father Frank Pavone


Novena for the Election

St. Jude, Patron of impossible causes, join us in praying for this election and these intentions: [State your intentions here.] Heavenly Father, Nothing can overcome your greatness. But we are weak and need a deeper gift of hope as we face worldly governments. Help us remember that political power can never replace the mission of the Church to preach the Gospel to all nations. Lord, we give you permission to form our consciences according to the Gospel so that we may both vote and act for the Kingdom of God. As we wrestle with the complexity of political life, never let us forget the poor, the weak, the unborn, the refugee, the migrant, all those affected by war, those struggling financially and all those suffering from the failings of the political systems of this world. Give us the courage to always be detached from our political loyalties and be first a faithful follower of Jesus, the true King. And when it comes time for us to contribute to the political realm help us to cast our vote in a way that is pleasing to You. For these elections in our nations, O God, please bless us with the best rulers possible, in this fallen world, at all levels of government. Finally, just as You brought our salvation from the horrible death of Your Son, we pray that from the political campaigns of this world, You will bring about great good for Your people. Amen.

Source: Pray More Novenas

See Also: 2 Litanies for the Conversion of America

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  1. I love all the prayers and the wisdom that is brought through this. May God continue to enlighten us all.

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