litanies for the conversion fo america

For the Sake of Our Country: 2 Litanies for the Conversion of America

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It has never been such as an opportune time as now, to pray these Litanies for the Conversion of America. We should always pray for the United States of America.

Our country seems to be spiraling into a very dark place. There is no doubt that there are spiritual forces involved.

People don’t know how to respond as Catholics to the current cultural revolution. They bow down to the secular powers as if they’ve forgotten how great a God we serve. They mistake the secular social justice agenda for charity.

To make it worse, our Catholic leaders suffer from a serious lack of fortitude. We’ve forgotten how to be martyrs for the faith. We value our temporal lives, more than we value eternal life.

We need prayers – not just for our leaders, but for the faithful. We need discernment to know how we can best share and take a stand for our faith.

Without conversion, our country is lost. 2 Chronicle 2 says:

“And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. “

We should be kneeling to God, not other human beings. If we humble ourselves before God, acknowledge our sin and try our best to amend our lives, God will deliver us and bless us as a nation.

Referring to a sick man, Thomas Aquinas said:

“In the life of the body a man is sometimes sick, and unless he takes medicine, he will die. Even so in the spiritual life a man is sick on account of sin. For that reason he needs medicine so that he may be restored to health; and this grace is bestowed in the Sacrament of Penance.”

We can apply the same principle to the United States. Until we repent from sin and turn to God for our medicine, we shall surely die. But if we return to God, we will be restored to health.

Here are two beautiful litanies to pray for America: the Litany for the Conversion of America and the Litany on Behalf  of our Country.

Our Lady of Gudalupe, pray for us!

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Litany for the Conversion of America


Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the World,
have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
have mercy on us.

Our Lady of America,
pray for us.

Immaculate Conception,
pray for us, sinners.

Our Lady of Guadalupe,
deliver us from all infanticide.
Our Lady of Fatima,
deliver us from the errors of Russia.
Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs
deliver us from spiritual sloth, undue curiosity and unease of mind.
Our Lady, Help of Christians,
deliver us from apostasy.
Our Lady of Refuge,
deliver us from Sodom.
Our Lady, Comfortress of the Afflicted,
deliver us from moral complacency.
Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners,
deliver us from a lack of shamefulness.
Our Lady, Health of the Weak,
deliver us from vain perceptions.
Our Lady, Morning Star,
deliver us from envy and avarice.
Our Lady, Gate of Heaven,
deliver us from impenitence.
Our Lady, Ark of the Covenant,
deliver us from constitutional manipulation.
Our Lady, House of Gold,
deliver us from unjust taxation.
Our Lady, Tower of Ivory,
deliver us from incompetent and corrupt leaders.
Our Lady, Tower of David,
deliver us from political scandals and malice.
Our Lady, Mystical Rose,
deliver us from all scandal and gossip.
Our Lady, Vessel of Singular Devotion,
deliver us from mindless entertainment.
Our Lady, Cause of Our Joy,
deliver us from needless self-pity and sadness.
Our Lady, Virgin Most Faithful,
deliver us from national dissolution and a loss of sovereignty.
Our Lady, Virgin Most Merciful,
deliver us from our own worst inclinations in compromise.
Our Lady, Virgin Most Renowned,
deliver us from the culture of celebrity.
Our Lady, Virgin Most Venerable,
deliver us from cultural depravity and perversion.
Our Lady, Mother of Our Redeemer,
deliver us from heresy and persecution.
Our Lady, Most Amiable,
deliver us from rudeness and incivility.
Our Lady, Mother Undefiled,
deliver us from the all social turpitude.
Our Lady, Mother Most Pure,
deliver us from immodesty in daily life.
Our Lady, Mother of Divine Grace,
deliver us from contraception, sterilization and experimentation.
Our Lady, Holy Mother of God,
deliver us from the rejection of fathers as just heads of families.
Our Lady, O Holy Mary,
deliver us from all blasphemy.
Our Lady of Prosperity,
deliver us from unjust wages and money speculation.
Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
deliver us from socialist tendencies.
Our Lady of Consolation
deliver us from fear and a lack of courage.
Our Lady of Good Counsel,
deliver us from the deceit of pride.
Our Lady of Good Succor,
deliver us from a lack of due vigilance.
Our Lady of the Dove,
deliver us from the schemes of rash and perilous dreamers.
Our Lady of Lourdes,
deliver us from medically induced suicide.
Our Lady of the Thorn,
deliver us from petty quarrels.
Our Lady of Victory,
deliver us from all lying and dissimulation.
Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces,
deliver us from lip service.
Our Lady of Tears,
deliver us from the removal of Christ the King in society.
Our Lady of Divine Providence,
deliver us from ego and false optimism.
Our Lady of Consolation,
deliver us from despair.
Our Lady of Good Remedy,
deliver us from the tyranny of the self-anointed and their ambitious.
Our Lady of Deliverance,
deliver us from broken families.
Our Lady of Confidence,
deliver us from imperial courts of sanctimony.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel,
deliver us from perjurious leaders.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
deliver us from the rejection of the natural law.
Our Lady of the Poor,
deliver us from perduring usury and national debt.
Our Lady of Fire,
deliver us from God’s chastisement, although thoroughly merited.
Our Lady of the Bells,
deliver us from silence in the face of evil.
Our Lady of Good Tidings,
deliver us from deception in and disinformation by the media.
Our Lady of Great Power,
deliver us from foreign entanglements.
Our Lady, Star of the Sea,
deliver us from unexpected storms and disasters.
Our Lady of Safety,
deliver us from onerous bureaucracies.
Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy,
deliver us from faithless priests and prelates.
Our Lady of Ransom,
deliver us from legal inequity.
Our Lady, Immaculate Heart,
deliver us from unclean hearts and lassitude of mind.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
deliver us from a reliance on sentimentality.
Our Lady of the Assumption,
deliver us from the culture of the body.
Our Lady of the Holy Cross,
deliver us from the love of ease and luxury.
Our Lady of Sorrows,
deliver us from deadness of soul.
Our Lady of Miracles,
deliver us from the conceit of technology.
Our Lady of the Star,
deliver us from infidels.
Our Lady of Good Help,
deliver us from dependence on false saviors.
Our Lady of Angels,
deliver us from paganism, witchraft and superstition.
Our Lady of Light,
deliver us from our self-induced blindness.
Our Lady of the Rosary,
deliver us from the neglect of piety.
Our Lady of Life,
deliver us from the culture of death.
Our Lady of Peace,
deliver us from unjust and meddlesome wars.
Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
deliver us from the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.
Our Lady of America,
deliver us from all enemies.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. And obtain for us our own conversion and that of our country.


Mexican Martyrdom: Firsthand Accounts of the Religious Persecution in Mexico 1926-1935

Litany on Behalf of Our Country

The following Litany was originally prayed by English Catholics in 1840, but can be prayed as a litany for the conversion of America.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

O God, who hast been pleased to magnify Thy name amongst our ancestors, and to distinguish them by the particular marks of their piety, continue the same mercy to us, we beseech Thee: that now, in these days, we may seek Thee with all our hearts, and zealously labour to copy the examples which our forefathers have left us. Amen.

For this end, we most humbly implore Thy goodness to have compassion on this our country, and by Thy powerful grace to remove from it whatever is provoking or displeasing to Thee.

Have mercy, O God, on this nation. And be Thou its powerful deliverer.

From infidelity and profaneness,
Deliver us, O Lord. *

From all irreligion, and contempt of Thy sacred mysteries, *

From all presumption, and the abuse of Thy holy word, *

From all heresies and schisms, *

From gluttony and drunkenness, *

From the profanation of Thy holy name, in cursing and swearing, *

From all kinds of prodigality and sensuality, *

From frauds, and all kinds of oppression and injustice, *

From the spirit of faction, of malice, hatred, and every kind of uncharitableness, *

O God, Thou hast been a Father to this nation, and replenished it with many blessings. –Forsake it not now, we beseech Thee, and give it not up to a reprobate sense.

Bless this people, O Lord, and be Thou their inheritance.–And sanctify us, and make us a holy nation.

Give to all its inhabitants, O Lord, the spirit of the gospel.
Hear us, O Lord. **

Give to them a zeal for unity, peace, and truth. **

Grant that they may all seek the things that are above, and walk by the spirit of Christ. **

Grant that all who are in error may, by thy heavenly light, be led into Thy truth. **

Grant that all sinners may be truly converted, and, forsaking their evil ways, return to thee their God. **

Grant that all scandals may be removed. **

Grant that the pastors may become the light of the world. **

Grant that all magistrates may administer justice. **

Grant that all of the wealthier ranks may esteem virtue their greatest honour, and be ashamed of vice. **

Grant that the youth of both sexes may be withheld from all evil ways, and that they may dedicate their lives to virtue, piety, and religion. **

Grant that all obstinacy and blindness may be removed from the hearts of this people, and that, being reformed according to Thy blessed will, they may serve Thee in holiness and truth. **

Hear us, O Lord, now calling on thee.–And, through the infinite merits of thy only Son, grant our petitions.


The Liberty Threat: The Attack on Religious Freedom in America Today

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One Comment

    2et Spetionusiomreheod ·
    Up is down and down is up.
    H/T Rosario Rosario
    Litany for the conversion of America
    Skriv en kommentar …

    Suzana Monika
    prolife is control aborrus i was wrong about tramp its a niddle trowe baby heart 5 min and —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
    · Svara · 1 m
    Maria Guadalupe Madero
    In every generation….
    This is our time… Satan is alive and well….
    Darkness has not overcome the light…
    Thankyou Jesus King of the Universe….
    Bilden kan innehålla: 1 person, inomhus och närbild
    · Svara · 2 h
    Bev Flores
    From the diary of St Faustina…this always brings me so much peace..I hope it can do the same so those who read it as well.
    When I see that the burden is beyond my strength, I do not consider or analyze it or probe into it, but I run like a child to the Heart of Jesus and say only one word to Him: “You can do all things.” And then I keep silent, because I know that Jesus Himself will intervene in the matter, and as for me, instead of tormenting myself, I use that time to love Him.” (1033, page 392)
    · Svara · 2 h
    Frances Bernard
    Good thing the rest of us who know English see the above quote as meaning a man or a woman instead of an us.
    · Svara · 24 m

    Stort fan
    XVictoria MsTellez
    That dot on the map “you are here” ? We are here, this is now.
    · Svara · 1 h
    Dominic Limpin
    Lord have Mercy and protect your people, Amen
    · Svara · 1 h

    Stort fan
    Gail Patterson
    Already there!!
    · Svara · 2 h
    Bev Flores
    The sin of the century is the loss of the sense of sin..
    · Svara · 2 h
    GIo Gio Giorgi Janelidze
    Orthodoxia is a true Christianity and now what we see Antifa, BLM, so called Marxists and far left agenda it’s already happaning now
    · Svara · 1 h
    Violet Fudge
    Happening right now
    · Svara · 1 h
    Theresa Carlson
    Right is wrong and wrong is right….God help us
    · Svara · 2 h
    Lisa Baldridge
    We do indeed live in mad times.?
    · Svara · 14 m
    Gail Whipple
    Oh God
    Help us

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