prayer of st jerome in time of agony

A Prayer of St Jerome in Time of Agony

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prayer of st jerome in time of agony

“A Prayer of St Jerome in Time of Agony”, is a beautiful  and effective prayer for a dying person in his or her final agony.  It is in these final moments that the devil tempts us the most with doubts about our faith and doubts about the mercy of God.

Pass on this St. Jerome prayer to someone who is dying or pray it for them.

A Prayer of St Jerome in Time of Agony

Merciful Jesus, thou art my strength, my refuge, and my deliverer;  in thee I have believed and hoped;  in thee have I loved.  Call me now, I beseech thee, and I will answer.  Stretch forth thy hand of mercy to the work of thy hands, and let me not perish, whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.

It is now time for dust to return to dust, and my spirit to thee who gavest it. Open then, Lord, the gate of life, and receive me ; receive me most merciful Lord, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies, who receivedst the thief on the cross, and now prepare my soul for hearing the same promise of mercy which he did. I am sick, O Lord, and my life is withering away ; therefore I come to thee my physician. Heal me then, my God, and I shall be healed: let me not be confounded; because I put my trust in thee. In thee have I hoped; let me not be cast off for ever.

But what am I, most merciful Lord, that I should speak thus boldly to thee? I am a sinner, grown up in sin, a rotten carcass, a vessel of corruption, and food for worms. But spare me still, my God ; for what victory is there in overthrowing me, who am but as dust before the wind ? Forgive me all my sins, and deliver me from my distress.

Arise and help me, Lord ;  arise and let thy mercy plead for me. Let my prayer ascend before thee, and stretch forth thy hand to help me;  for behold I am covered with sin, and have done evil in thy sight, and there is none can heal me but thou, my God. If thou hadst not paid my ransom, by dying on the cross, should not I have been forever miserable?  Remember then, 0 merciful Jesus, that I have a share in that price that was paid. It was for me also, though most unworthy, thy blood was shed;  let me, therefore, have a part in this mercy.

I confess I have many times offended against thy child; but turn away thy face, I beseech thee, from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Deal not with me according to what I deserve, nor chastise me according to my iniquities ;  but help me, O God, my Saviour, and for the glory of thy name deliver me.  Now at this hour show mercy to me, and whenever I depart, receive me into the number of thy family, that I may be one of those who are to praise thee forever.

Source: The Complete Manual  of Catholic Piety (p. 293)

Dying Resources

See Also

Prayer for the Dying: Daily Practice of Adopting an Unknown, Dying Soul

prayer for the dying

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  1. Prayers & Blessings your way suffering one: God’s Mercy covers it all:
    Rise from the dust for He will rescue you from the trauma. If He has forgiven then don’t blaspheme against His Mercy!
    He has it all covered!
    Just expound in words of Praise & Thanksgiving. Pray the Scriptures back to the Lord!
    Remove all evil & temptations from your realm that you will not repeat patterns.
    Cast the demons away-get rid of satan’s toys-Tarot cards, Ouija, fortune telling etc. If you continue in the fleshly desires & Occult practices then you are keeping the door wide open to Satan- Oh how he loves to traumatize you! He knows your great potential & so he finds your weaknesses so he can have his way with you-that you might get frustrated, angry, tempted, & he hopes you will then leave Jesus. I say Stand taller still with the Sacred ??Of Jesus & the Most Holy Immaculate Mary who will be there for you always. You will do great things for the Lord as you drop the guilt & fleshly adventures. Holy Spirit assist.

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